Do you need to be skillful or knowledgeable to do your job?

Do you need to be skillful or knowledgeable to do your job?

This diagram was triggered by a LinkedIn discussion with Eli Miron about knowledge retention.

Since I suspect it's prone to misinterpretation, let me clarify what the diagram intends to illustrate:

  • each dot for a job type indicates how important understanding the context of your environment is to success, and how high a skill level you need to be minimally competent when doing your job
  • the actual data points are illustrative rather than scientific. There's no specific evidence backing where I've positioned each particular role on the two axes
  • having a low skill threshold isn't the same thing as suggesting that a person can't be highly skillful at their job. However, where there is a low skill threshold a person starting with lower skills can be recruited to replace the highly skilled person. This is not true for jobs with a high skill threshold.
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